Purdue Off Road Club

Purdue Off Road Club


The Purdue Off-Road Club (PORC) provides a community for any and all Purdue University students, faculty, staff, and alumni who enjoy any form of off roading. Our organization educates members on techniques and fundamentals of operating a vehicle off road, as well as various tasks on repairing and upgrading four wheel drive machines. We host various events that bring the members together to cooperate as a group such as riding trails and repairing/upgrading vehicles. A vehicle is NOT required!

Meetings every Wednesday 7-8pm in EE115

***FACEBOOK: Purdue Off Road Club*** - The best way to stay up-to-date with the club

Instagram: @purdueoffroadclub

Contact us on Facebook, Instagram, or in person before requesting to join Boilerlink!

Contact Information

West Lafayette, IN 47907
Contact Email E: porc@expert.ics.purdue.edu
Phone Number P: 8123228293