Alpha Phi Omega - Alpha Gamma

Alpha Phi Omega - Alpha Gamma


Community Service? Alpha Phi Omega. We are Purdue's national gender-inclusive service organization, bringing together college students in developing Leadership, promoting Friendship, and providing Service to humanity since our chapter's founding in 1932.


Alpha Phi Omega is open to students of any background and focuses on volunteering on campus, in the local community, and with national organizations. We also donate to a number of charities via member-raised donations.


APO is a service-oriented organization as opposed to social fraternity. For this reason, we do not share a house, but instead have a large co-working office in the Purdue Memorial Union. Make no mistake though, joining APO is like joining a family. With approximately 60 active members in our chapter and 350 active chapters nationwide, you will be a part of a large network of members and alumni. Purdue’s Alpha Gamma chapter in particular has always ranked as one of the top chapters in the national organization and prides itself on being a fun and welcoming organization. 


We would love to have you in our chapter! Come over to PMU B050E anytime and someone would be happy to tell you more about us. Find out more through our national office at or our chapter website at

Contact Information

101 North Grant Street
Purdue Memorial Union - Room B050E
West Lafayette, IN 47907
United States
Contact Email E: